Attendance / School Dismissal Manager
Parents are required to enter their child’s absence, late arrival or early dismissal on School Dismissal Manager using the website (click here) or the new APP available for free for Android and Apple users (click here) by 10:00 AM. This App replaces the one previously available in the App store. SDM's apps are located on the website, not in the App Stores. If you have the previous App, you will need to uninstall it and follow the directions in the link given here.
- Android – Go to the Install tab from the dropdown menu within your SDM account or open a Chrome browser window, go to, tap Add to Home Screen, and follow the onscreen instructions to install the app.
- iPhone – Go to the Install tab from the dropdown menu within your SDM account or open a Safari browser window, go to, then tap the Share button, scroll down, and tap Add to Home Screen. Enter the name SDM and select Add to install the app.
If you have difficulty using School Dismissal Manager, call Barrie Sacks at 914-241-6162 for help getting set up with the system.
Here are a few Fast Facts that you will need to know for getting started:
- Parents new to SDM have been issued a username and temporary password. Parents who may have used the system previously can use their existing parent login credentials. Please use these to login to SDM at
- The Parent Login area is found at the top right of the SDM homepage.
- When you login for the first time, you will be required to change your password immediately.
- Please refer to the Parent Guide for Creating Exceptions and How-to videos upon login for details on how to use the system. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) link found in the Parent login area at the top of the SDM homepage may also be helpful.
- When entering an exception to your child's day, you MUST enter a reason for that change. If there is no reason entered, it will be considered unexcused.
- When you start to receive the email notifications of changes or cancellations that are made for your child, please keep in mind that hitting Reply or Reply All on those emails does not reply to the school.
- Each school day, SDM will send a comprehensive dismissal and absence report to the school immediately following the cut-off time allowing administrators and staff to facilitate accurate attendance and a smooth dismissal.
- We allow students to ride a bus home with a friend but you MUST know the bus number that your child is going on and enter who they are going with and/or the stop they are getting off at.
- Students may invite no more than 2 friends who are not already assigned to the requested bus, to ride home with them. Every assigned bus rider must have a seat, so there may be times that even 2 extra passengers may not be allowed. In this case, transportation may refuse the request(s) that were entered in School Dismissal Manager most recently. You will be notified in the morning if the bus is too full.
- As always, make sure that your child knows of any changes made to his/her dismissal plan.